You landed the big story! After weeks of pitching, coordinating interviews, developing talking points and providing follow-up responses, the highly anticipated feature article finally appears, exposing your message to thousands of readers. Now what?
Today, the appearance of an article or airing of a broadcast segment is not the end of the initiative; it’s simply the middle step in a process that includes multiple communications channels. Clients can maximize their public relations investment by repurposing the content.
Below are three ways that you can repurpose media placements:
Leverage Social Media Platforms
Increased reliance on mobile phones for accessing information is opening a wide range of new opportunities for leveraging media placements. A fast, efficient and affordable way to repurpose coverage is to post a story link on your corporate or personal social media pages. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are free and always accessible, allowing users to immediately share a link.
You can further increase visibility by asking friends or colleagues to repost the link on their personal social media pages. Not only are you further increasing the number of viewers, but every time someone clicks or shares the story link you are improving your KLOUT score, which measures your social media influence.
Include with Digital Marketing
Another way to lengthen the news cycle of a media placement, and increase its exposure among target audiences, is by including a link to the story in digital marketing pieces. This includes posting the story link to a company website, highlighting the article in a company newsletter, or sending an email directly to clients and prospects with a personal message about how the content of the story benefits them.
Secure Reprints
An old-school method for repurposing content is to get reprints. Hard copy reprints can be used to augment business development packages, as well as for tradeshow or presentation handouts. However, getting reprints can also be expensive and time intensive. Since published content is copyrighted, there is usually a cost associated with securing the rights and, in some cases, you must contract with the publisher for the printing. In the case of guest articles, many trade publications will grant the author permission to make reprints with a written request.
By taking these few extra steps, you can extend the relevance of your media placements far beyond the standard news cycle and get more mileage out of your public relations efforts.
A Cooksey Staff Member