DFW International Airport

Every five years, DFW Airport revisits its strategic plan, updates its goals and integrates them within the organization’s overall program of work. This is a monumentally important project for the airport because it sets the course for and lays out important initiatives to be completed during a five-year period.

In 2016, Cooksey was hired by the airport’s executive team to help them realize their vision for the plan. For the effort, Cooksey took part in extensive planning meetings with the executive team, developed the creative direction for the project, assisted executives with articulating each foundational pillar within the plan, performed copywriting services, and created the final layouts and Power Point presentation at the conclusion of the project.

A highlight of the Strategic Plan’s creative direction was a graphic representation of an airport terminal which prominently showcased the key components and foundational pillars of the plan. The airport has incorporated this graphic into numerous public presentations and within its digital platforms.
