Port Freeport / Friends of Freeport

Port Freeport is among the fastest growing ports in the nation. In order to increase its capacity and expand its customer base, the Port Freeport Commissioners asked Navigation District residents to vote on a $130 million bond package to support the Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project. Cooksey was engaged by Freese and Nichols, Port Freeport’s engineering partner, to develop and deploy a strategic communications plan to educate residents in the Freeport Navigation District about the Port, the bond election and the benefits of the project, which would support larger global vessels by deepening the channel from its current depth of 45 feet to a maximum level of 55 feet, making it the deepest port in Texas.

Cooksey developed a series of key messages for Port Freeport executives and Commissioners to use when speaking about the project and created educational tools to reinforce key messages.These tools included a website, a handout with FAQs, social media posts, press releases announcing election milestones and a presentation that was delivered by Port Freeport’s Executive Director to dozens of organizations throughout the Navigation District. On May 5, 2018, voters overwhelmingly approved the measure.
