Cooksey Secures Three dotCOMM Awards Honoring Digital Advertising and Marketing Achievements

DALLAS – Aug. 26, 2024

North Texas-based strategic communications firm Cooksey Communications recently received three 2024 dotCOMM Awards, an international competition that honors the industry’s best web and digital work. This is the seventh straight year that Cooksey has earned recognition in the dotCOMM Awards program.

The three awards for 2024, including one Platinum, one Gold and one Honorable Mention, showcase Cooksey’s diverse and robust experience in digital public relations and content marketing. The award-winning entries were as follows:


  • Article or News Placement (Earned Media) – HistoryMaker Homes: Cooksey secured Associated Press (AP) coverage of the wall-raising ceremony for national civil rights activist, Dr. Opal Lee, known as the “Grandmother of Juneteenth,” and her new Fort Worth home. The article and video feature Dr. Lee’s recollection of a racist mob forcing her and her family out of their home nearly 85 years ago when she was just 12 years old and highlight the partners involved in gifting Dr. Lee a new home on that same lot, including Cooksey client HistoryMaker Homes. The AP story alone resulted in nearly 200 pieces of print, digital and broadcast media coverage across the nation.


  • Landing Page (Website Element) – The Gatehouse: Cooksey created a website landing page for The Gatehouse, a nonprofit dedicated to helping single women and mothers in the DFW area remove barriers and other hardships by providing them with resources for permanent, positive change. The


  • Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy (CSR) & Content Development – American National Bank of Texas (ANBTX): Cooksey developed a CSR strategy and related content for ANBTX’s ambitious North Texas community impact efforts. The webpage, which features solutions addressing financial education, affordable housing and charitable giving, also includes recognition of the bank’s nonprofit partners in the community, as well as video and photos of bank employees taking action to support the community.

The dotCOMM Awards program is administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. This international organization oversees awards and recognition programs and honors outstanding achievement and service to the profession.

Typically, about 13% of dotCOMM entries submitted from throughout the United States, Canada and many other countries win Platinum, the top award and around 18% win the Gold Award. Approximately 9% are Honorable Mention winners.

About Cooksey Communications

Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based strategic communications firm with essential expertise in four core practice areas: (1) Professional Services clients such as legal and financial services firms, the A/E/C sector, and other B2B and B2G service providers; (2) Public Sector clients such as governmental entities, educational institutions and infrastructure-related groups; (3) Real Estate & Development clients such as real estate firms and economic development agencies; and (4) Sustainability initiatives for any company or entity interested in enhancing competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing world. For more information, visit

Cooksey Promotes Collin Yoxall to Account Supervisor in Public Sector Practice

DALLAS – Aug. 21, 2024

Collin Yoxall has been promoted to account supervisor in the Public Sector Practice Group at Cooksey Communications, a leading, North-Texas based strategic communications firm. Since joining the firm in September 2022 as a senior account executive, Yoxall has worked to evaluate communication structures and practices, develop and execute media relations strategies, provide vital crisis communications counsel, and facilitate stakeholder engagement on behalf of agency clients such as the City of Richardson, Irving Economic Development Partnership, Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition, University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth and the UNT System.

“Collin’s outstanding organizational habits and extensive knowledge of public sector communications and engagement best practices are invaluable to our clients,” said Colby Walton, chairman and CEO of Cooksey. “He’s demonstrated significant growth over the last two years at Cooksey, while also drawing on his previous public education communications and public affairs experience, and I’m excited to see his development continue in this new, expanded role..”

Yoxall’s professional career started in politics, where his campaign research and communications work spanned local, state and federal campaigns. He has also worked in the communications and marketing departments of two public, higher education institutions: The University of Texas at Arlington and Texas Christian University (TCU).

Yoxall earned a master’s degree in strategic communications from TCU while working as a part-time employee for Cooksey in 2019-20. Yoxall previously completed his bachelor’s degree at TCU, where he majored in political science with an international relations emphasis.

About Cooksey Communications

Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based strategic communications firm with essential expertise in four core practice areas: (1) Professional Services clients such as legal and financial services firms, the A/E/C sector, and other B2B and B2G service providers; (2) Public Sector clients such as governmental entities, educational institutions and infrastructure-related groups; (3) Real Estate & Development clients such as real estate firms and economic development agencies; and (4) Sustainability initiatives for any company or entity interested in enhancing competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing world. For more information, visit

Cooksey Promotes Regan Welch to Account Executive

DALLAS – July 25, 2024

Cooksey Communications, a leading, North-Texas based strategic communications firm, recently promoted Regan Welch to account executive. She has worked with key clients in Cooksey’s distinguished Professional Services, Real Estate & Development and Public Sector practice groups including Weil, Hillwood, VanTrust and the Irving Economic Development Partnership, among others.

“Regan’s exceptional media relations and strategic communications skills combined with her deep understanding of our clients’ needs is a prime example of our team’s commitment to excellence,” said Colby Walton, chairman and CEO of Cooksey. “Over the past two years, Regan’s contributions and positive spirit have significantly enhanced our agency’s success. I’m confident she will excel in this new, advanced role and help us continue delivering stellar client service along with expertise-informed counsel for the region’s leading businesses and organizations.”

Welch joined Cooksey in June 2022 as an assistant account executive. She graduated from Texas Christian University with a bachelor’s degree in strategic communications and a minor in business.

About Cooksey Communications

Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based strategic communications firm with essential expertise in four core practice areas: (1) Professional Services clients such as legal and financial services firms, the A/E/C sector, and other B2B and B2G service providers; (2) Public Sector clients such as governmental entities, educational institutions and infrastructure-related groups; (3) Real Estate & Development clients such as real estate firms and economic development agencies; and (4) Sustainability initiatives for any company or entity interested in enhancing competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing world. For more information, visit

Top Trends in Government Communications from Our 2024 Public Sector Insights Index

In late 2023 and early 2024, Cooksey Communications distributed a 30-question survey (the “Public Sector Insights Index”) to public sector communicators across Texas and nationwide, seeking to gain insights about the hottest topics and trends affecting government communications and engagement programs, which are currently driving future resource allocation and strategy planning.

Below is a brief summary of the most salient insights derived from the responses to that survey.

1. Communications and Engagement Budget Sizes:

Are typically less than 1% of the agency’s overall budget, and most commonly are less than 0.5% of the overall budget.

a. Over 58% of respondents indicated their Departmental or Communications & Engagement-related budget represents less than 0.5% of the agency’s overall budget.
b. Another 31% indicated their budget represents 0.5%-0.9% of the agency’s overall budget.
c. Accurate and completely reliable benchmarking is difficult because of discrepancies in how General Fund and other budgets are counted, the exclusion of PEG funds and some other payroll/expenditures, and the fact that some agencies have communications/engagement functions spread across various departmental budgets (which may or may not be counted in the totals referenced above).

2. Salaries for the Highest-Ranking Communications Department Staff Member:

Are predominantly $100,000 or more (30/48 respondents, or 62.5%), and over 30% of respondents (15/48) have salaries of $150,000 or more.

a. However, 25% of respondents (12/48) indicated the top-ranked Communications staffer has a salary of $75,000 – $99,999.
b. 12.5% (6/48) have a salary of less than $75,000.
c. Most respondents indicated they have a “Director” form of title. Those with a “Manager,” “Supervisor” or “Specialist” title tend to have lower indicated salaries.

3. Communications Staffing/Role Needs:

Over 56% of respondents (27/48) indicated they plan or expect to add a staff member to their department within the next 1-2 years.

The most commonly cited staffing or role needs are:
a. Social media/web/digital specialists and managers
b. Graphic designers
c. Videographers/photographers/multimedia specialists
d. General writers/content developers
e. Community outreach/public engagement staff
f. Internal communications staff
g. Administrative/traffic coordinators
h. Communications Director or PIO
i. Assistant Director or Manager
j. Bilingual communications staff/translators

4. Enhanced Efforts to Communicate With or Engage Diverse Audiences:

Over 80% of respondents (39/48) indicated they have made enhancements to their organization’s communications or public engagement efforts over the past year to better reach diverse audiences or in order to be more inclusive.

5. Challenges Remain in Reaching and Engaging Diverse Audiences:

Over three-quarters of respondents (38/48) say they still aren’t reaching some public stakeholders very effectively.

The most commonly cited areas where respondents feel they’re falling short are:
a. New residents
b. Non-native English speakers
c. Apartment dwellers
d. HOAs/subdivisions
e. Senior adults who aren’t internet users
f. Young adults without kids
g. Teens and youth
h. Business owners and employees
i. University students
j. Those who don’t watch/read the news or participate in social media, generally

6. Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Within Communications and Engagement Efforts Is On the Rise.

Nearly 80% (38/48) of respondents say they either have recently explored or are already actively using AI in some way to enhance their organization’s communications and engagement program.

Respondents most commonly say they’re exploring or using the following:

a. Chat GPT (significant use)
b. Google Bard and (some use)
c. Many are also using AI capabilities embedded within other programs or tools such as Adobe Creative Suite/Photoshop, Canva, Grammarly and Citibot 2.0

7. Some Communications & Engagement Shops (or the Parent Entities) Have Robust Policies and Guidelines in Place, While Others Are Lacking in This Area.

Surprisingly, VERY FEW have policies in place for use of AI despite the high exploratory/usage figures noted above, and despite AI’s potential risks and complications. Remarkably, just 6% of respondents (3/48) said they have a policy specifically addressing their organization’s or department’s use of AI and/or other emerging digital tools.

The most commonly found policies are:

a. Social Media Policy (90% or 43/48)
b. Brand Standards/Guidelines (81% or 39/48)
c. Crisis Communications Policy or Plan (65% or 31/48)
d. Remote Work Policy (54% or 26/48)
e. General Communications/Marketing/Public Engagement Policy (50% or 24/48)
f. Media Relations/Official Spokesperson Policy (46% or 22/48)
g. Filming/Photography Guidelines (44% or 21/48)
h. Drone Policy (15% or 7/48)

8. Most Governmental Entities Surveyed Have 5-19 Social Media Handles or Channels, While Some (Mostly Larger Entities) have 20 or More.

a. 2% reporting having fewer than 5 handles/channels.
b. 27% reported having 5-9 handles/channels.
c. 35% reported having 10-19 handles/channels.
d. 17% reported having 20-29 handles/channels.
e. 8% reported having 30-39 handles/channels.
f. 2% reported having 40-49 handles/channels.
g. 8% reporting having 50 or more handles/channels.

9. Most Commonly Used Communications and Engagement Channels/Tools Are:

a. Social media (100%)
b. News releases (92%)
c. Town Hall meetings or other public gatherings to share info/solicit input (90%)
d. Text/SMS-based emergency alerts (88%)
e. Video programming, on channel/internet (85%) (tie)
E-newsletters (85%) (tie)
f. Email-based emergency alerts (83%)
g. Community surveys to get feedback on the effectiveness of current comms/engagement efforts (81%) (tie)
Informational signage/displays at public facilities (81%) (tie)
h. Phone call-based emergency alerts (77%)
i. Utility bill inserts (71%)
j. Door hangers (67%)
k. Direct mail (58%)
l. Printed newsletters (46%)
m. Podcast(s) (27%)

10. The Most Commonly Cited Communications and Engagement Platforms/Channels Respondents Are Contemplating or Evaluating for Near-Term Future Use Include:

a. Threads
b. AI (including AI-driven website chatbots)
c. Podcasts
d. Dedicated public engagement platforms (e.g., Social Pinpoint, Bang the Table, Engagement HQ, Zencity)
e. Quick community feedback tools (e.g., FlashVote and See/Click/Fix)
f. Various others

11. On a Scale of 1-10, where 1 is “Extremely Decentralized” and 10 is “Extremely Centralized,” Respondents Rated Their Agency’s Communications and Engagement Program as a 6, on average (“Somewhat Centralized”).

a. 42% indicated MORE centralization was still needed, with more power or control being unified under the respondent or in the Communications Department generally.
b. 33% indicated that some communications functions needed to be centralized, while others should be more decentralized.
c. Only 12% indicated that their organization had struck the right balance between centralization and decentralization, and that no change was needed in this respect.
d. NONE indicated that the communications and engagement program overall needs to be more decentralized.

All agencies that participated in the 2024 Cooksey Insights Index Survey will receive a deep-dive analysis of the survey results. Now that 2024 has set a baseline, Cooksey plans to renew the Insights Index every two years. For more detailed insights on these topics and other key takeaways from our survey analysis, please contact our Public Sector Practice leaders Tom Bryson ( or 945-455-9914) and Dorothy White ( or 945-455-9924).

Outstanding Writing and Design Earns Cooksey Seven Awards in the Annual Hermes International Creative Competition

DALLAS – June 3, 2024

In recognition of its outstanding work in the industry, Cooksey recently received two Platinum honors, and two Golds and three Honorable Mentions in the 2024 Hermes Creative Awards, one of the oldest and largest creative competitions in the world. These awards highlight Cooksey’s expertise in advertising, writing, media relations and video production.


  • Newspaper Placement (Strategic Campaigns/Media Relations) – The Gatehouse: Cooksey placed an article in The Dallas Morning News for The Gatehouse, a nonprofit that helps North Texas single moms with education, housing and employment opportunities. The article highlights the organization’s recently launched Education Track, which focuses on empowering goal-oriented single moms to overcome temporary hardships and complete college-level schooling in high-demand career fields.
  • Video (Electronic Media/Social Media/Interactive Media) – Town of Sunnyvale: Cooksey was engaged by the Town of Sunnyvale to produce the “Sunnyvale State of Town 2023” video, showcasing the Town’s 2023 accomplishments and 2024 priority projects. The video features Sunnyvale Mayor Saji George discussing Sunnyvale’s strong economic growth, street improvements, traffic safety upgrades and residents’ heightened sense of community.


  • Online Placement (Strategic Campaigns/Media Relations) – The Real Estate Council (TREC): Cooksey secured a Dallas Morning News article announcing East Dallas’ Mill City community winning a $1 million grant to revitalize one of the city’s underserved neighborhoods. The grant was awarded by TREC’s philanthropic arm, TREC Community Investors, as part of its second Dallas Catalyst Project.
  • Social Media (Electronic Media/Social Media/Interactive Media) – Irving Economic Development Partnership (EDP): The award recognized Cooksey’s development of content for Beth Bowman, president and CEO of the Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce and Irving Economic Development Partnership, as part of an ongoing social media marketing strategy for Bowman’s LinkedIn


  • Print Media (Marketing Collateral/Branding) – City of Richardson: Cooksey designed sleek, updated code violation mailer inserts for the City of Richardson as a way to ensure continued maintenance of residential and commercial properties. The new inserts feature a collection of infographics that give an easy-to-understand overview of the City’s residential code enforcement standards and guidelines.
  • Digital Advertising (Electronic Media/Social Media/Interactive Media) – Anna Economic Development Corporation (EDC): Cooksey created a digital advertisement that targets healthcare professionals, emphasizing the community’s prime location between the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and the rising tech hub of Sherman.
  • Strategic Campaigns (Public Relations/Communications) – Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition: Cooksey helped plan and run the 14th annual Tarrant Transportation Summit, providing services that included media relations and audience engagement, event logistics coordination, event timeline management, and script, program and messaging development.

Of the more than 6,500 nomination entries submitted for this year’s Hermes Awards competition, only about 17% won Platinum, the top award, and only around 22% won the Gold Award. Approximately 11% earned Honorable Mention status.

The Hermes Creative Awards, administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, honor creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional and emerging media. Judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence.

About Cooksey Communications

Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based strategic communications firm with essential expertise in four core practice areas: (1) Professional Services clients such as legal and financial services firms, the A/E/C sector, and other B2B and B2G service providers; (2) Public Sector clients such as governmental entities, educational institutions and infrastructure-related groups; (3) Real Estate & Development clients such as real estate firms and economic development agencies; and (4) Sustainability initiatives for any company or entity interested in enhancing competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing world. For more information, visit

Cooksey Adds Haaris Ahmed as Assistant Account Executive to Strengthen Agency’s Fast-Growing Public Sector Practice

DALLAS – April 26, 2024

North Texas-based strategic communications firm Cooksey Communications recently added Haaris Ahmed to its team as an assistant account executive in the agency’s distinguished Public Sector Practice. In his role, Ahmed will support Cooksey’s municipal and government clients with brand development, strategic communications and stakeholder engagement and efforts.

“Haaris’ deep understanding of municipal government in our region, combined with his multimedia communications background, augments and further strengthens our team’s capabilities, especially as it relates to our work in the public sector,” said Colby Walton, chairman and CEO of Cooksey Communications. “Our Public Sector Practice has experienced a lot of growth the past few years, adding key team members and expanding its service offerings for clients across Texas and nationwide.  I’m confident Haaris will play a pivotal role in our continued success.”

Before Cooksey, Ahmed gained experience in the public sector as an intern for Congressman Colin Allred and in the City of Arlington, Texas’ Office of Communications. In these roles, he assisted with constituent or resident services and content generation for their respective newsletters and social media platforms.

Ahmed graduated with a bachelor’s degree in media arts as well as a bachelor’s degree in  political science from the University of North Texas. Additionally, he obtained his master’s degree in strategic communication from Texas Christian University.

About Cooksey Communications

Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based strategic communications firm with essential expertise in four core practice areas: (1) Professional Services clients such as legal and financial services firms, the A/E/C sector, and other B2B and B2G service providers; (2) Public Sector clients such as governmental entities, educational institutions and infrastructure-related groups; (3) Real Estate & Development clients such as real estate firms and economic development agencies; and (4) Sustainability initiatives for any company or entity interested in enhancing competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing world. For more information, visit

Cooksey Promotes Tenika Luke to Vice President, Finance and Administration

DALLAS – April 8, 2024

Cooksey Communications, a leading North-Texas based strategic communications firm, has promoted Tenika Luke to vice president, finance and administration.

In this capacity, she will continue to oversee the growing agency’s Finance & Administration Department, including having primary responsibility for all accounting and financial duties, human resources functions and administrative matters.

“Over the past year, Tenika’s financial skills and operational expertise have been instrumental in supporting our team and optimizing our core processes, making us better able to serve our clients,” said Colby Walton, chairman and CEO of Cooksey Communications. “This well-deserved promotion reflects the fact that, as our agency continues to grow and evolve, her leadership will be pivotal to our overall success and the realization of our clients’ critical strategic communications objectives.”

Luke joined Cooksey in February 2023 as the agency’s finance and administration manager.

About Cooksey Communications

Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based strategic communications firm with essential expertise in four core practice areas: (1) Professional Services clients such as legal and financial services firms, the A/E/C sector, and other B2B and B2G service providers; (2) Public Sector clients such as governmental entities, educational institutions and infrastructure-related groups; (3) Real Estate & Development clients such as real estate firms and economic development agencies; and (4) Sustainability initiatives for any company or entity interested in enhancing competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing world. For more information, visit

Cooksey Adds Chrysti Wisdom as Office Administrator

DALLAS – March 25, 2024 –

North Texas-based strategic communications firm Cooksey Communications recently added Chrysti Wisdom as its office administrator. Wisdom supports Cooksey and its team members with all vital aspects of the firm’s day-to-day operations.

“Chrysti’s extensive background in office administration along with her track record of successful organizational management make her an ideal fit for this position,” said Colby Walton, chairman and CEO of Cooksey Communications. “Her skills and passion for supporting team members will be invaluable as we continue to grow and serve our clients at the highest level.”

Before joining Cooksey, Wisdom gained human resources and administrative expertise at various DFW organizations spanning numerous industries, including financial services, healthcare and real estate.

Wisdom graduated from The University of North Texas with a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

About Cooksey Communications

Founded in 1994, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based, strategic communications firm specializing in four core focus areas: (1) Professional Services clients such as law firms, financial services firms, A/E/C (architecture/engineering/construction) firms, and other B2B and B2G service providers; (2) Public Sector clients including governmental entities and educational institutions, as well as planning and advocacy groups dealing with critical infrastructure issues such as transportation, water supply, flooding and energy; (3) Real Estate & Development clients such as commercial and residential real estate firms and economic development agencies; and (4) Sustainability initiatives for any company or entity interested in enhancing competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing world. Cooksey has repeatedly has been named one of the top North Texas PR firms by the Dallas Business Journal, and its team members are trusted counselors to senior executives in the sectors and areas listed above. For more information, visit

Cooksey Secures Two AVA Digital Awards for Exceptional Digital and Content Marketing Efforts

DALLAS – Feb. 13, 2024 –

Cooksey Communications recently received one Platinum Award and one Gold Award in the 2024 AVA Digital Awards, an international marketing communications competition. These prestigious awards highlight Cooksey’s continued success in providing clients with top-level digital marketing and creative services.

Out of the thousands of entries submitted, only 18% earned the top Platinum honors, while only about 22% received the Gold recognition.

Cooksey’s award-winning client projects were:


  • Digital Marketing/Content Marketing (Blog) – The Real Estate Council (TREC): Cooksey helped craft a blog post, “Why Public Advocacy is Key to Commercial Real Estate Success,” that details why commercial real estate leaders should stay active in city and state legislative and policy efforts. The blog appeared in D CEO’s prominent Commercial Real Estate section last fall.


  • Digital Marketing/Content Marketing (E-Annual Report) – Anna Economic Development Corporation (EDC): Cooksey designed and developed content for the city’s Economic and Community Development Corporations’ annual report, “Building Momentum.” The report outlines the city’s strategic plan goals, events attended and hosted, media coverage, awards and honors, major milestones and new business openings in 2023.

The AVA Digital Awards, administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, honor outstanding work by creative professionals involved in the concept, direction, design and production of media that are part of the evolution of digital communication. Judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry.

About Cooksey Communications

Founded in 1994, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based, strategic communications firm specializing in four core focus areas: (1) Professional Services clients such as law firms, financial services firms, A/E/C (architecture/engineering/construction) firms, and other B2B and B2G service providers; (2) Public Sector clients including governmental entities and educational institutions, as well as planning and advocacy groups dealing with critical infrastructure issues such as transportation, water supply, flooding and energy; (3) Real Estate & Development clients such as commercial and residential real estate firms and economic development agencies; and (4) Sustainability initiatives for any company or entity interested in enhancing competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing world. Cooksey has repeatedly been named one of the top North Texas PR firms by the Dallas Business Journal, and its team members are trusted counselors to senior executives in the sectors and areas listed above. For more information, visit

Cooksey Adds Krista Nussey as Senior Graphic Designer to Bolster Agency’s Award-Winning Creative Department

DALLAS – Jan. 29, 2024 –

North Texas-based strategic communications firm Cooksey Communications recently added Krista Nussey to its Creative Department as a senior graphic designer. Nussey supports clients in all four of Cooksey’s core focus areas with strategy-driven design for their digital and social marketing program, brand development and event promotion needs.

“Creative services along with website and digital media development play a crucial role in helping our clients build their brands, enhance their reputations and promote open, effective dialogue with stakeholders,” said Colby Walton, chairman and CEO of Cooksey Communications. “Krista’s background in graphic design and art direction will be key in continuing to provide our clients with the type of content to help advance their organizational objectives, making her the perfect fit for our distinguished Creative Department.”

Before joining Cooksey, Nussey gained experience at various Fort Worth-based companies, developing an array of skills including print and digital media design, social media content design and overall brand development.

Nussey graduated from Texas Christian University with a B.A. in graphic design and a minor in business.

About Cooksey Communications

Founded in 1994, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based, strategic communications firm specializing in four core focus areas: (1) Professional Services clients such as law firms, financial services firms, A/E/C (architecture/engineering/construction) firms, and other B2B and B2G service providers; (2) Public Sector clients including governmental entities and educational institutions, as well as planning and advocacy groups dealing with critical infrastructure issues such as transportation, water supply, flooding and energy; (3) Real Estate & Development clients such as commercial and residential real estate firms and economic development agencies; and (4) Sustainability initiatives for any company or entity interested in enhancing competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing world. Cooksey has repeatedly been named one of the top North Texas PR firms by the Dallas Business Journal, and its team members are trusted counselors to senior executives in the sectors and areas listed above. For more information, visit